

Theslyn is in need of a living kidney donor. Help her find her match. Share her story or even consider being a donor yourself.

I was diagnosed with kidney failure December 2015 due to Lupus. Kidney failure has changed my life because now I have less freedom. I'm not able to do certain things whenever I'd like. I now have to follow a routine system just to stay alive.

As difficult as living with kidney failure is, I have faith and I'm a firm believer of the most up high. I have learned to control my thoughts because thoughts lead into actions. Always maintaining myself around a positive environment and blocking off negative people and situations. Personal development and growth has been a major factor. It has given me a different perspective and outlook as I go through this journey.

I wish more realized that kidney failure can happen to you too. Please educate yourself before making opinions and judgements. Dialysis can be overwhelming emotionally and physically so if you know someone going through this please watch your words and actions towards them.

 "The mind is everything what you think , you become" -Buddha

Follow Theslyn's Kidney Story on Instagram here

Learn about the KIDNEY DONATION PROCESS here

Kidney Donor Guide information here

CALL for information 1-888-444-0102

Patient information you might need when contacting Rhode Island Hospital:

Name: Theslyn Rodriguez

Location: Providence, Rhode Island

Date of Birth: 10/02/1986

Donor Blood Type Needed: B or O

Paired Donation is an option. So if you are not blood type B or O, you can still help by donating to another person in need and then Theslyn will be matching with another donor.




