

My name is Mitushi and I am from India. I am 20 years old. Suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease since 2010. My kidneys decided to quit completely in 2013 and dialysis helped me survive the battle for four and a half years.

I don't believe everything happens for a reason, but I also cannot deny that these seven years of enduring pain and going through mental strain changed my whole perspective of 'why we need to be more compassionate toward other people.' Chronic Kidney Disease can be considered an invisible disease. We look fine, but we are not. Dialysis is exhausting and even though it adds days to our lives, it has its own side effects. 'I am tired' are the words I never took seriously and thought it was an excuse used by people to avoid doing stuff. But after getting on dialysis, I know what it feels to stay tired even after doing bare minimum work.

I had to drop my board exams because of dialysis. I dealt with anxiety and depression all because people around me could not really understand me perpetually be tired and not wanting to meet with anyone.

Lack of awareness and many people misguiding us was one major reason my transplant got delayed. It was like a spiral going inwards and never meeting an end. But then during the third year, I had to decide. It was a swim or sink situation for me. I distracted my mind with books and started writing. I made a page where I can find warriors fighting CDK like heroes. People who understand what I'm going through.

And finally on 8 December my mom gave me the gift of life and I got a new kidney.

My mom makes me believe in superheroes and yes they exist AND they are among us. Now my main focus is to recover and deal with the side effects dialysis gave me, like social anxiety. Restart my studies and do something, anything I can, to create awareness for people around me about CKD. Highlighting how kidneys are very vital for our human body and how we need to take care of them too!

I want to educate people about how they too can become living superheroes by donating their organs and it is no less than a privilege if you are capable of adding days to anybody's life. Get Loud For Kidneys is an awesome initiative and I am so glad that it is creating awareness that is not only bringing out all the warriors but also educating people about CKD. Hats off to you guys.

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Location: Uttarakhand, India



