

My name is Anali. I'm 28 years young and I've been married for 8 years. My connection with kidney disease is that I'm currently on dialysis. I was diagnosed with End State Renal Disease (ESRD) in September 2011 and started dialysis in February 2012.

My life changed dramatically. I never thought about how important it is to have all your organs functioning properly. I never imagined the importance of having healthy kidneys, but now I certainly do.

A lot of us don't know the facts and we are scared, but the reality is that kidney donation surgeries have been done so many times. There are many tests done and doctors make sure that the donor and the recipient are in the most perfect condition before even considering the transplant process.

As of right now, my way of creating awareness is by being open about my story and need for a living kidney donor on social media. I'm opening up more to my family and this will be my third year participating in the Los Angeles Kidney Walk. I'm hoping to raise more money for the National Kidney Foundation and to have an even bigger group than last year. I would love to see this group get bigger and stronger and help people change how they view kidney donation and help them see that this amazingly selfless act of love can save another persona's life, giving them the chance to live longer.

I want to GET LOUD because this disease is silently killing many. It's so important to create awareness because no matter how old you are this can affect you. I also want to let others know that donating is a gift that many can do if they have healthy kidneys. You can absolutely live a normal life with just one kidney.


Read Anali's kidney story here

Information if you are interested in being a potential donor:

University of San Diego Kidney Transplant Program Information click here

Phone Contact  (858) 657-7595

University of Los Angeles Kidney Transplant Program Information click here

Phone Contact (310) 825-6836

Patient Information you may be asked for by the hospital:

Name: Anali Sanchez

Location: Santa Clarita, California

Date of Birth: 02/10/1990

Donor Blood Type Needed: O+

Paired Exchange is an option

Paired Exchange means if you really want to help Anali but you are not a match for her, you can donate to someone else and she will be matched with an appropriate donor. You are basically helping two people in need by donating your kidney into the paired exchange.



