

Alexys received her first kidney transplant from her dad in 2002 when she was 11. She received her second kidney transplant December 28th 2017 through paired exchange with the help of her husband who was a living kidney donor.

The cause of my kidney failure was from what they believed was a bad strep throat infection that went down into my kidneys. Kidney failure first affected my life when I was a child. I missed a lot of school, which pushed me back in my education for some time. Since then I have always had problems with getting sick and being susceptible to infections and sickness

My first transplant changed my life in many ways. It lasted me 15 years. I have been able to have a relatively normal life. I went to school and became an EMT so I can help people. I have worked as an EMT for 4 years now and I absolutely love it. With my next transplant, I will be going back to school to get my nursing degree. I am about to receive my second transplant because my wonderful husband is able to donate to a stranger in the paired exchange program so that I can receive a transplant from a stranger somewhere in the US.

What I would like people to understand about transplants is that, you can not take it granted. Having a transplant is a second chance at having a life without being connected to a machine every other day of your life. Also, people that receive transplants only want to be treated like normal people.

Please consider donating to Alexys's Go Fund Me campaign to help support both her and her husband during recovery after their surgeries.



