All tagged kidney warrior


Kidney failure changed my life. I loved to play baseball but then didn't really have the energy. Now that I have a new kidney, it is a true miracle I have my energy back and my life isn’t confined to a dialysis chair 3 times a week. I can now prepare for college.


Receiving a transplant is like a second chance at life. Keeping the healthy eating to fresh everything and low sodium is one thing I took away from my dialysis diet. Now I’m out more going places, walking, exploring when I am able to. It’s my chance to live my life.


After receiving my transplant, I got a ton more energy and I am a lot calmer. I deal with stress in life way different. I can live life not worrying all of the time. I can eat differently and don’t have protein limitations. I have gained more muscle strength. Riding my mountain bike is completely different because I have less fatigue and more energy so I can ride longer.


A kidney transplant has been a gift for many reasons. It has given me so much respect for TIME, FRIENDSHIPS and RELATIONSHIPS. Most importantly, I've learned to LOVE MYSELF. I went to school to be a medical assistant and now I can help people which is the best thing I can do after my precious gift.


Blake went from a very sick baby on dialysis anywhere from 12-24 hours a day, tube fed and lethargic to a happy, energetic little boy that is tube free and eats everything in site. Laurie’s labs 2 years later are exactly the same with one kidney as they were with 2 kidneys. They are both doing amazing and we are so grateful for the gift of life for our son.


Facebook was my main vehicle for sending out my story. I feel I am so fortunate that my story connected with the right individual at the right time. I was on dialysis less than 1 year and had my miracle operation on 7/17/17. I am living proof my friends, if you can create a positive out look on life, be creative, you too can find a donor. Miracles can happen when you act with purpose.


Alexys received her first kidney transplant from her dad in 2002 when she was 11. She received her second kidney transplant December 28th 2017 through paired exchange with the help of her husband who was a living kidney donor to someone else in need.


I really want people to understand that kidney transplant is NOT a cure. Transplants only last 10-15 years. Even though I have a transplant, it doesn't defy who I am. I'm a sweet, caring, loving human being.


During my time as a kidney patient I have become much more aware of my own health and have learned the importance of being a self-advocate. I ask a lot of questions because I want to make good decisions about my health, with my kidney always being my number 1 priority.


I don't take my health for granted. Not that I did before, but everything feels more like an opportunity to better myself both emotionally and physically. Someone gave me another chance to live the life I want.


Once I started putting my health first and began advocating for my own health, I realized that I could help others who were dealing with the same issues. I am now a full time health care advocate, and I honor my donor and his family by championing kidney disease awareness and prevention every day.


I've proven that kidney disease does not define a person. Whether you are on dialysis or living with just one kidney, you can have a great life.

Marty received a kidney transplant June 11th, 2017 from a deceased donor.


My whole life was designed to push me in this direction. I have embraced my responsibility as a kidney warrior. It has made my life complete. I spend my days advocating for others. It is a labor of love.